With a Federal Administration as divisive as it is, conspiracy theories abound in the United States. But, can it continue to be a theory when we witness overt abuses specifically against Hispanic families everyday? Are we supposed to believe that the media is only showing us ultra liberal views when, in one week, we witness ICE raids, mass shootings and continued abuses and neglect at our Southern border? Join Jennifer as she addresses the implications of recent disturbing experiences with her guest, Jerry Gonzalez, Executive Director of GALEO: Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials.

Jerry Gonzalez
Executive Director of GALEO: Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials
Jerry Gonzalez is the founding and current Executive Director of the Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials (GALEO) and the GALEO Latino Community Development Fund. GALEO, a statewide nonprofit and non-partisan organization, has a mission to increase civic engagement and leadership development of the Latino community across Georgia. Gonzalez is a native of Laredo, Texas and received his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M University in 1995. He completed his Master of Public Administration at the Andrew Young School of Public Policy at Georgia State University in 2005. Due to his efforts at GALEO, Mr. Gonzalez has been recognized by Georgia Trend Magazine as one of Georgia’s 100 Most Influential Georgians for several years. Gonzalez lives in Atlanta with his husband of over 23 years, Ray, an established and practicing pediatrician, and their dogs, Jenny & Zack. Jerry’s hobbies include photography, travel, hiking, and he considers himself an avid road cyclist.