Guns, Guns, and More Guns
Prior to the surge in mass shootings, guns were more associated with crime, domestic violence and suicide. Now the conversation related to guns has significantly shifted.
Conflict Rising is a series of conversations between Jennifer McKenna, founder and CEO of JMac Consulting, and cultural and business leaders who have moved through conflict successfully.
Conflict Rising is a series of conversations between Jennifer McKenna, founder, and CEO of JMac Consulting, and business leaders who have moved through conflict successfully.
In Conflict Rising, it is Jennifer’s goal to leverage the power of storytelling to empower listeners to more proactively embrace conflict and deal with it bravely, respectfully and successfully.
Jennifer hopes to engage her guests and listeners with weekly insights, tips and tools for how to best communicate through conflict and create stronger, healthier and happier relationships.
As the saying goes, “It’s always darkest before the dawn.” Though it may look and feel dark in many cultures today, Jennifer believes the light is just around the corner – and with pure intentions, the right tools, and a courageous voice, all of us can be the light to spark the light in others.
Over time, whole cultures are transformed this way.
Prior to the surge in mass shootings, guns were more associated with crime, domestic violence and suicide. Now the conversation related to guns has significantly shifted.
As social awareness of gender differences increases, many of us are still scratching our heads as we attempt to integrate it into our traditional understanding of gender.
Join Jennifer as she discusses the role of acupuncture in today’s healing process with Maria Torres, a licensed acupuncturist at the Art of Healing.
Urban America is comprised of a diverse racial landscape, and yet oftentimes the support systems necessary for urban youth to prosper are not in place.
How do we regain our true power and well-being so that we aren’t at the mercy of a system that is financially incentivized to keep us sick?
Join Jennifer as she explores a fascinating variety of sustainability hurdles with Scott Nichols, Founder and CEO of Food’s Future, LLC and Chair of the ASC BoD.
With a Federal Administration as divisive as it is, conspiracy theories abound in the United States. But, can it continue to be a theory when we witness overt abuses specifically against Hispanic families everyday?
With negative news coming at us all the time, most of us are facing high stress levels and could benefit from self-care. A sound bath is an ideal practice in turbulent times likes these.
Join Jennifer as she interviews Jamie Harrell, who also transitioned from male to female, to find out more about the realities of being transgender.
Though abortion seems to surface as a political issue every election cycle, the potential of overturning Roe v. Wade has seemed somewhat unrealistic – until now.
Today many professionals are healthy enough to stay in the workforce longer, but most often don’t want to keep the same pace or stay on the same career path. The desire to make a career change at a later stage in life can be equally terrifying and exhilarating.
Traditionally most of us have been conditioned to think that we have to go to a medical doctor (M.D.) to fix any ailment we have. But what if we were savvy enough to incorporate holistic practices into our lifestyles as a means to prevent losing our health and wellness?
Between prolonged war time, divisive politics and social controversy regarding the National Anthem, it’s hard to understand – much less embrace – the notion of true patriotism.
Join Jennifer as she discusses the fascinating and excruciating family history with Dan while exploring the correlations to today’s refugee challenges.
Dozens of commercial diets are still being launched consistently. “Eat this. Don’t eat that,” is a constant and confusing message. Where is the demand for these diets coming from?
With so many culturally divisive issues hitting the airwaves and internet everyday, it’s nearly impossible to ignore all the conflict. It can be hard enough for adults to face, but what about today’s teenagers?
With the escalation of mass shootings, the gun debate ensues. Yet lately we’ve learned of shootings at synagogues, increasing the speculation that Anti-Semitism is on the rise.
As both a patient and professional advocate, Dorothy has a long history of being on the front lines of this issue – and has had tremendous success in spite of incredible obstacles.
Refugees. They seem to be pouring out of more and more countries, seeking shelter, security and safety. So why are so many individuals and leaders still characterizing them as a threat to our safety and security?
Those of us who practice yoga know its extraordinary value in our lives. Yet many are still unsure, unaware or outright opposed to it in a Western society with a strong Christian culture.
Join Jennifer as she talks about important environmental challenges with Bradley Layton, PhD, PE who is leading multiple solutions-based initiatives.
Our population is confused about health and wellness. 75% of the population is overweight and people are ignoring their body mass index, seeing it as a bad means of measurement of health.
With the advent of social media, fake news, the inundation of information and the lack of gun safety laws, we are all deeply affected every day by the constant examples of trauma and tragedy imposed by others.
Culture Consultant and JMac Consulting CEO Jennifer McKenna kicks off the premiere episode of Conflict Rising with her Associate and Director of Corporate Communications Rebecca Turk as they share why they wanted to launch this show.