You’ve Made Some Big Changes. Now What?
How much sleep have you lost thinking about reopening your office?
Leading Effectively in a Virtual Environment
An inspirational series presented by JMac Consulting
Welcome to a new way of living. As we all are hunkered down in a self-induced quarantine, learning how to go at life a little differently can be difficult at times. In order for us to continue to be safe and well — and continue to be productive — JMac Consulting presents an inspirational mini-series on how to adjust to our new lives.
Losing your mind yet? Suddenly trying to juggle kids and your job simultaneously? Having a difficult time communicating with your team through a computer? Or maybe you’re avoiding the tough, but necessary conversations because you don’t want to seem impersonal?
We at JMac Consulting are launching “Virtually Possible”, a suite of quick hit video clips, webinars and articles to help keep you and your team motivated. Your world has been virtually turned upside down. We’re here to help.
How much sleep have you lost thinking about reopening your office?
As a leader, one of the biggest questions you may be asking yourself is, “Should we go back to the office?” If so, how?
For those of you who already have your personality acronym in hand, here’s a quick guide to leveraging the best of you.
Now that your daily routine has been turned upside down, you have a huge opportunity to initiate new, healthier habits.