The healthcare debate in America has ensued for years. One Congress passed an Affordable Care Act, while the current Congress threatens to revoke it. Regardless of these political outcomes, millions of patients are still left with chronic illnesses and no access to medications or the proper care. Why is this and what can we do about it? Join Jennifer as she speaks to Dorothy Leone-Glasser, Founder and Executive Director of Advocates for Responsible Care. As both a patient and professional advocate, Dorothy has a long history of being on the front lines of this issue – and has had tremendous success in spite of incredible obstacles.

Dorothy Leone-Glasser
Executive Director, Advocates for Responsible Care (ARxC)
Dorothy Leone-Glasser, RN, HHC, has lived with systemic lupus for over forty five years. As a result, she has overcome two forms of cancer, disabling arthritis, kidney failure, a coma, heart attack, and two strokes. The compelling energy and perseverance behind her success is Dorothy’s philosophy: “Illness lives in the mind, plays out in the body, and comes to a place of peace in the spirit where wellness survives”. Being a nurse led her to helping others but becoming a devoted patient advocate gave others a voice to empower change. This passion led her to create a nonprofit health and justice organization, The Advocates for Responsible Care (ARxC). At ARxC the focus is advocating for full and affordable access to medications and treatment care with an emphasis on reducing cultural incompetency and health disparities. Today ARxC leads the Rx in Reach GA Coalition consisting of 36 health and physician organizations that lend support to develop patient protections to end the dangerous cost-shifting insurance practices, dangerous barriers to treatments and prohibitive out-of- pocket costs for life-saving prescription drugs and treatments. She has led this coalition to passing Biosimilar legislation and Step Therapy Reform legislation in Georgia. ARxC has joined OUTCRY and Compassionate Atlanta to create the Georgia Coalition for Safe Communities to inform, educate and mobilize Georgians to promote common sense gun policies that prevent violence.
Dorothy has published countless materials on chronic illness care and advocacy that educating patients about wellness and health empowerment. Dorothy is frequently seen and heard on TV, radio, and print media.