What Does Health and Wellness Really Mean?

Our population is confused about health and wellness. 75% of the population is overweight and people are ignoring their body mass index, seeing it as a bad means of measurement of health.

What Is Conflict Rising

Culture Consultant and JMac Consulting CEO Jennifer McKenna kicks off the premiere episode of Conflict Rising with her Associate and Director of Corporate Communications Rebecca Turk as they share why they wanted to launch this show.

New Normalcy Abounds.

As a leader, one of the biggest questions you may be asking yourself is, “Should we go back to the office?” If so, how?

Know Yourself. Honor Yourself.

For those of you who already have your personality acronym in hand, here’s a quick guide to leveraging the best of you.

Perception is Reality

The great late poet Maya Angelou suggested that “people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

And yet we are still expected to lead people without really knowing what to do about feelings.

Constructive or Destructive

As we consciously aim to build strong organizations, relationships and cultures, we can stunt that crucial growth with unconscious thoughts and subsequent behaviors. Fear itself is the great destroyer. What I often find is that at the core – underneath the unique aspects of each culture and its challenges – is a need for more trust.