Remember to take care of yourself.
Hi there, it’s JMac – and it’s clearly the start of a new year. For some, it’s time to jump-start a new initiative or take the business to a new level. For others, it’s just another hectic month.
My hope is that we all take a moment to reflect before we react. What did you learn over the course of the past year? How do you envision ending this year? Learning from where you’ve been and knowing clearly where you’re going will ensure that you master the present – which is where all your power is.
Is it time to renew your commitment to your team, your business or yourself? Is it time to reinvent your product, your image or your brand? Or is it simply time to take your entire team offsite and retreat – catch your breath, gather your thoughts and create a game plan to ensure that you start and finish the year strong?
Regardless, choose to savor the opportunities that emerge during the first month of a new year (instead of stressing over it). As a leader, be the change, spread the joy, maintain your balance (which means get some rest) and keep the faith. You got this – and I’m your biggest fan.
Here’s to a prosperous 2018 –

P.S. After several years in business, this is my first JMac newsletter. Would you believe it? Since you know I always seek the win-win, feel free to unsubscribe if this isn’t valuable to you. Likewise, send me thoughts on what you would like information about next month and forward this to those colleagues who could use this message today.